The Weather Is Getting Cooler Yet Things Are Heating Up


It has been a little while since our last update.

So much has been happening that the days, weeks and months are flying along at the most hectic speed imaginable. We are thankful that His grace is sufficient!

We hope that you all are doing well!

Since our last update we have seen the Lord continue to work in our lives. Whether that is providing for us, stretching us, challenging us, He has been certainly working in our lives.

We had a lovely visit from Grandpa (Lisa's Dad) and Nanny Kate recently. They took us up into Yosemite National Park and we were able to venture around and soak up the most magnificent scenery! It was great to have them here with us for 2 or so weeks and Kyah had a blast!

Seminary, ministry and the internship in the Biblical Counseling department, along with the joy of helping out in the TMS Admissions department means that the week is stacked. Though we are thankful for the times we do get to spend together as a family.

Speaking of which, many of you would be aware that we are now (after 9 or so months of training and preparation) certified for foster/adoption. We were recently placed with siblings (a boy and a girl) into our home. This has been a tremendous joy & adds to the busy life we are living, yet we feel compelled of the Lord to pursue this. We are hoping that, should the Lord see fit, that we would be able to grow our family in this way!

Lisa has been at home this past week with the all the children so please pray for her as you can imagine it can get pretty busy with 3 under 3 running around a little apartment.

It has been almost 12 months since we arrived here in the US.

The first full completed year of seminary is fast approaching. Being away from all our friends, family and home church can be tough - we are so appreciative of your ongoing prayers for us here. If you are able; please do continue to pray for us that the Lord would sustain us here, that we would grow & mature and that as a family we would seek to honor Christ in all that we say and do. And that He would continue to equip us and prepare us for the ministry.

Again, we miss you and think of you often. It is great to hear from you.

Thank you for your ongoing love, support and prayers for us over here.

- The Johnston's