Been A Long Time


Still feels good to say that.

It has been sometime since the last update.

Probably due to the absolute hectic nature of all that has been going on around here of late.
Seems like everything is just flying along at speeds fit only for JB's old yellow ute.
(*not that he actually sped in it but rather it had the potential to really hammer)

We have been busy!

Seminary flies along at a rapid rate - from one Hebrew exam to the next, Kyah keeps getting taller, cuter and cheekier with every passing day and Lisa has us all eating fresh, healthy and yummy food! Speaking of that, there has been a real health kick roll through the Johnston home. Lisa and I run each day, play tennis using rackets we got from the local Op-Shop and generally try and be active. It has been fun and enjoyable!

We continue to press on with life over here - missing you all back home!

It was great to have Alison and Graeme out here with the Holes for a holiday. It was great to have some Aussie company - Graeme was the fruit man, purchasing various fruits from the street vendors out front basically everyday. And as far as I know, there were no bouts of food poisoning. That was reserved for me a month or so ago. Ate a pear from a local farmer's market and it nailed me - big time.

Again, we want to let you know just how much we are missing you all and we do think of you often. It has been a real blessing to have you praying for us and loving us in such an overwhelming way. We are thankful to the Lord that we have such a loving family and wonderful church we know loves us as much as we love them.

So until next time; thank you. We love and miss you.

In Christ's enduring love,

- The Johnston's