
Hi Everyone! (Both back home in Australia and in other parts of the world),

We are doing well. The weather is heating up and so is the workload at seminary.

Things are moving along fast - we continue to watch Kyah grow bigger and cheekier day by day. She is running now - which makes for grazed knees.

The 2011 Shepherds' Conference just rolled by. The faculty and other seminarians talked it up as being the highlight of the year. I did wonder how that may be so. However, now that its over I can say that it may just be. It was an amazing time. Adrian and I walked around a lot of the time and chatted to other people, he drank coffee like it was becoming extinct and I got my hair cut & shoes shined. (complimenatary for attendees)

The messages were epic. Really beneficial to getting through the rigors of study.

Another thing that went down since the last update was the TMS 25th Anniversary Banquet. Being a milestone, the seminary threw a massive dinner. It was at the Ronald Regan Museum. That contains many things - including an original Air Force One plane hanging in the air. It was an amazing evening with all the students, wives and faculty and pastors together eating dinner.

At one point as we sat there both Lisa and I thought, "Air Force One is hanging right above, Dr MacArthur is speaking, the food is great and all of the seminary is here". It really was fantastic.

Lisa has been getting up early most Saturday mornings and heading off with Helen and some other ladies to go to Garage Sales. They love it! And its a great way to acquire things we need.... very cheap. Lisa got a much needed and really nice mirror (fairly massive) for just 10 bucks. I could sell it at Camberwell market for a fair bit I think :).

Please continue to pray for us.
We are so thankful for your prayers - you guys are the biggest blessing.

We miss you much!

Thank you for your ongoing support of what we are doing over here. We pray that this training we are getting may be used to impact people for Christ and to teach His Word.


- The Johnston's