Summer Time With A Storm On The Horizon

Hello, G'day and How ya Going!?

We hope that all of you who read this are doing well!

It is summer time over here now so we are beginning to melt. Summer school, which consists of Hebrew II and New Testament Studies has wound down (although I have a Revelation paper left to do) and we are enjoying a little interval between semesters. Fall semester begins later this month. And it is going to be one busy time! "A storm" as one guy put it to me recently.....

Some of you may have seen photos of us and the Holes in the apartment complex's pool. That has been a good place to escape the summer/desert heat. [Rumor has it JB jumped off the roof into it when he lived here - so Rod and I are are eyeing that off , but don't tell the landlord :) ]

We took a 5-6 hr drive up north to northern California -- to the city of San Francisco. It was good to see another side to the US outside of LA. We enjoyed it up there - it is a lot like Melbourne in certain ways. It was great to get away as a family and spend time out 'n about , especially before the next semester of work begins. Very thankful and stoked our car made it there and back!

I have begun, along with Rod, to intern in the Biblical Counseling department. This has us grading papers and counseling - along with valuable discipleship from older, wiser men. Something that I crave and miss. (Although I am sure the elders back home don't miss me hounding them with numerous questions all the time!).

Lisa and Kyah are doing great. We celebrated Kyah's 2nd birthday, she is growing up super fast and talks and sings a lot. Lisa and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary recently - so much has happened in such a small amount of time. God is so good to us when we are so undeserving.

We miss you so much - It is great to get the opportunity to speak to some of you on Skype and via emails etc. We think of you guys a lot and do not take for granted the times we get to touch base!

Please do keep us in your prayers; if you are able please pray that the Lord would sustain us over here and praise Him for doing so thus far! We love and miss you and are immensely thankful for your support of what we are doing over here!

All our love,

- The Johnston's