Settling In Slowly

So we have been here about a week now and we are slowly settling in.
In our apartment complex of about 40 or so apartments there are 10 Seminary families. They basically all have children - a few of which are very similar ages to Kyah.

We have been slowly acquiring a few more things for our apartment, which has been good. Eventually it will look and feel a bit more like a home. We really enjoy living in this complex and are becoming friends with others here.

Lisa got to do some searching for goodies in an op shop today - she really found some gold! A cool (and much needed) toy box for Kyah and some other odds and ends for around the house. Seems like the Americans don't really do the whole op shop thing over here, so it was great to find we have a local one just down the road a little bit.

Matthew went into TMS yesterday and signed up for his classes. Rod took him into sit in on his last OT class for the year - which gave Matthew a headache just thinking about how hard and complex everything is. Thankfully , you build up to the sort of level that was taught in that class otherwise things would be very interesting!

We spent our first Sunday at Grace Community Church. (Which is where the picture above was taken) The place is massive, seriously huge. John MacArthur preached a message from The Gospel of Mark on how hard it is for rich people to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It was great.

We are in need of a car - please pray that the Lord would provide a suitable one for us.

It is a little over 3 weeks til the classes begin for Matthew.

The subjects he has been enrolled in for the first semester are; Hermeneutics, Beginning Hebrew, Pastoral Counselling, Introduction to Preaching and the last subject is Prayer.

Both of us (along with Kyah, when we say your names) miss you all so much! We hope you are all doing great & we think of you often.

Please pray for us - that the Lord would continue to provide for us whilst we are here & that we would continually lean on Him for wisdom and understanding.

With all our love,
The Johnston's